Page 3 - DSCBA - 2022 Impact Report
P. 3

2,800                    Financial Statement

                                                                   Income:                       Expenses:
                                       Students received           $2,991,160*                   $1,304,743
                                       Ability Awareness

                                       116                          Contributions:                   Programs:
                                       New Families
                                                                                  Zin Net:
                                    172                               Earned  $316,827                 Fundraising:
                                                                               Events Net:
      256                           Early                             & Other:                         $85,560
      Participants in seven         Support Group                *The DSCBA established an Endowment in 2023,
      Health & Wellness             attendees                    consisting of donor-restricted and unrestricted board
      Workshops                                                  designated funds, to help sustain the organization’s
                                                                 mission. The high income in 2023 is due to an unusual
                      222                                        large gift by the Down Syndrome Association of the
                                                                 North Bay and has been placed into an endowment.

         Connection Group registrants (Dad’s
         Night out, Mom’s Coffee Chat,                        “       DSCBA supported our family even
         Parents of School Aged Children,
                                                                    before we moved into the community.
         DS & Dementia Caregiver Support,                          Their staff give direction on navigating
         Grandparents Group, Family Play Dates,
         Dual Diagnosis DS & ASD)                                        issues with the school system,
                                                                     challenging behaviors, and access to
                                                                      social circles. As our daughter has
         226                     62                                 grown with them she’s been provided

                                                                    a community where she can be herself
         Music Therapy           Individuals with                          and grow at her own pace.
         participants            Down syndrome                                                                   ”
                                 and family members
                                 served in our Mental              600         People came together to
                                 Health Alliance                               celebrate achievement at the
                                                                               Step Up for Down Syndrome
                                        100+                       235                     10

                                        T21 FunRun
                                        participants               Participants in         Children with Down
                                                                   World Down              syndrome and their
                                        250                        Syndrome Day            families attended the
                                                                                           School Readiness
                                                                   Dance party
                                        Volunteers helped
                                        at our events              1,465
                                        throughout the                                     6,200
                                        year!                      Instagram
                                                                   followers               Facebook followers
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