By becoming a member, you will have more access to our programs, events and information. There is no cost to becoming a member.
Please select which option best describes you and please provide as much information as possible. This will help us to ensure that our current programs are meeting the needs of our members.
We are here to support you in every way possible and welcome you to contact us with any questions you may have.
We understand that this time must be filled with mixed emotions for you and your family, and we want you to know that you are not alone in your journey.
Our Director of Family Support is available to new and expectant families 24/7. |
Below you will find information that can be helpful for this stage of your families journey, as well as programs offered for this Age & Stage.
Navigating your child’s Individualized Education Program/Plan (IEP) is a BIG job. Check out these great IEP resources from our “tried and true” experts.
Special Education is not a location... it is a wide range of supports and services that help students with disabilities learn and make meaningful progress. Read more about inclusion and discover effective strategies that help maximize your child’s engagement and participation at school.
Did you know that your child is entitled to differentiated teaching and learning approaches that help remove barriers and increase access to a more meaningful and equitable education? Thanks to Every Student Succeeds Act (2015), students of ALL abilities can now learn in ways that support their unique strengths and areas of need. Check out these helpful resources and discover the wonderful world of Universal Design for Learning, differentiation, and best practices that support an equitable education for your learner.
Navigating a demanding school environment can be challenging for learners with Down syndrome and at some point, your child may engage in non-preferred behaviors. This is not uncommon, and we’ve found there are often very identifiable and valid functions of behavior, such as limited or no access to multi-modal communication tools and inappropriate demand.
Learn more about common behaviors in individuals with Down syndrome and discover effective strategies you can share with your child’s IEP team to help reduce problem behaviors and foster a positive learning experience for all!
Your child deserves to be heard. DSCBA offers a wide range of communication resources that support complex communication needs and empower you with the tools you need to advocate for a comprehensive communication plan for your child in school. Discover multi-modal communication supports and strategies that empower your child with a voice!
As your child’s best expert and an equal part of the IEP team, YOU can make a positive and meaningful impact on your child’s education. Empower yourself with the knowledge you need to be an informed parent/caregiver and an effective advocate!
According to the National Down Syndrome Society at least half of all children and adults with Down syndrome will face a major mental health concern during their life, a statistic that is similar to the general US population. The most common mental health concerns in individuals with Down syndrome include anxiety, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, oppositional behaviors, depression, and tic disorder.
The Mental Health Alliance program provides information, trainings, resources and supports by partnering with therapists, therapy centers and training institutes to motivate and better equip mental health professionals to feel confident in working with individuals with Down syndrome.
The Mental Health Alliance has created an online resource of communication tools and visual supports.
Mental Health Alliance Padlet |
If you would like to learn more about this program, please contact
Early Connections
Saturdays - 9:30am-11:00am
Jan 181, Feb 15, Mar 222, Apr 193, May 174, Jun 21, Jul 195, Aug 16, Sept 206, Oct 18, Nov 157
Jueves - 4:00pm - 5:30pm
This is a great opportunity to meet with other DSCBA parents to support each other with knowledge and information needed to meet the educational needs of your children and more. Share information and resources on many topics relating to your children, including educational best practices, health concerns, etc. In addition sometimes we host guest speakers from various professions to help contribute expert knowledge, answer questions, and provide resources to our network of parents.
2025 Meeting Times:
Jan 9 1, March 6 2, Aug 7 3, Sep 4 4
Please email if you have any questions.
This is a great opportunity to meet with other DSCBA parents to support each other with knowledge and information needed to meet the educational needs of your children and more. Share information and resources on many topics relating to your children, including educational best practices, health concerns, etc. In addition sometimes we host guest speakers from various professions to help contribute expert knowledge, answer questions, and provide resources to our network of parents.
Coordinator: Laurie Hawley
Location: Virtual via Zoom
2022 Meeting Times:
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Please email if you have any questions.
Moms of children of all ages are welcomed to join in on an opportunity to get together in the comfort of your own home with fellow moms and share in the joys and challenges of parenting.
2025 Meeting Time/Dates:
Jan 161, Mar 132, May 83
Please email if you have any questions.
Dads of children of all ages are welcomed to join in on an opportunity to get to meet other dads. This is a perfect way to get together in the comfort of your own home with other dads and share in the joys and challenges of parenting.
2025 Meeting Time/Dates:
f you are caring for someone with DS who exhibits symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia please join us in this monthly virtual meeting.
Meeting Times/Dates - 3rd Thursday of the Month: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Sep 15, Oct 20, Nov 17, Dec 15
Facilitator: Marianne Iversen, Paula Gann
Location: Virtual
Grandparents of children with Down syndrome are welcomed and encouraged to join this monthly group. This is an opportunity to exchange information, share common experiences, and be encouraged by other grandparents with similar issues and concerns.
2025 Meeting Time/Dates:
Brothers and sisters of those with Down syndrome tend to be compassionate, understanding, wonderful people. But we also know that being the brother or sister of someone with Down syndrome can have its tough times, too!
If you would like more information about resources please contact
*Check to see if a copy is available to borrow from our Lending Library
Email the Lending Library
We have several private Facebook Groups to serve the needs of our diverse membership. Please click through the links to request to join. Our main Facebook page is located here.
TO REGISTER: Please Click on the Class & date you wish to attend.
Stay tuned for Sonoma County Music Therapy options
Elementary THRIVE is educationally and developmentally appropriate for children ages 8-11 with Down syndrome, combining cognitive skill development with positive social and behavioral interaction with a focus on fine and gross motor skills.
Mondays: 4 - 5:00 pm
Facilitator: Lauren Amador
Fall Session
Winter/Spring 2025 Session
For more information email:
Here is a preview video of the Early Elementary THRIVE program from previous years (formerly Peer Development Class)
To empower, inspire and support people with Down Syndrome, their families and the community that serves them, while fostering awareness and acceptance in all areas of life.